TikTok joined the WeProtect Global Alliance, the largest and most diverse multi-sector alliance dedicated to ending online child sexual exploitation. The video creation platform committed in March to promoting and supporting the Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, adopted by Five Eyes, a collaboration between intelligence agencies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and the United States.

As promised TikTok focused on providing joyful, creative, and above all safe experience. TikTok’s has zero tolerance towards child sexual exploitation as it is a universal challenge that requires a collective response. Through the engagement with the WePROTECT Global Alliance, TikTok will work collaboratively with industry partners, key non-profits, academics and governments to identify, implement and critically share innovative solutions to better protect children online.

Tragically, advancements in technology mean it has never been easier for those who want to sexually exploit children to make contact with potential victims. Industry collaboration is vital and we look forward to working with TikTok and other industry partners towards our common goal of ending the sexual exploitation of children online. During our conversations with TikTok we’ve been struck by the platform’s genuine commitment to prioritizing the safety of its youngest users and the recent decision to restrict under sixteen’s access to its Direct Messaging feature is one example of its willingness to put child safety first.

Iain Drennan – Executive Director, WeProtect Global

Any instance of child sexual exploitation is one too many.  As an industry, it is essential we come together to tackle this harm. Our membership in the WeProtect Global Alliance is an additional opportunity to collaborate, learn and share best practices with our peers and to make critical progress towards our common goal of ending online child sexual abuse.

Source: TikTok

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