Categories: BusinessNews

India Bans TikTok and Other 59 Chinese Apps

The Indian government has banned around 59 Chinese mobile apps including top trending TikTok app over alleged national security issues. Other popular banned apps includes UC Browser, ShareIt, Club Factory, WeChat and CamScanner.

The ban comes amid recent geopolitical tensions with China

The move comes after an intense military clashes between the Chinese and Indian army over disputed border areas earlier this month.

The government has banned these invoking its power under section 69A of the Information Technology Act read with the relevant provisions of the Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking of Access of Information by Public) Rules 2009.

India has decided to block 59 apps since in view of information available they are engaged in activities which is prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, security of state and public order.

Indian Ministry of Information Technology

TikTok app recently surpassed 2 billion downloads has a huge market in India. From them around 30% of viewers came from India. While 27 out of these 59 apps were among the top 1,000 apps in India with more than 500 million downloads till last month.

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has also received many representations from citizens regarding security of data and breach of privacy impacting upon public order issues.

Indian Government

In few weeks an anti-China sentiment has been growing in India since more than 20 Indian soldiers were killed over a combat at India-China border. After that #BoycottChina and #BanTikTokIndia has been trending on Twitter in India ever since as a growing number of people posted videos demonstrating destruction of Chinese-made smartphones, TVs and other products. Days later, an app called Remove China Apps gained popularity among some Indians that has been removed from Google play store.

This is not the first time earlier in May 2019 the Indian government blocked the app for two weeks after a court decision that emphasis it could expose children on the app to sexual predators and graphical content. Later on, TikTok appealed and the court reversed its act.

The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs has also sent an exhaustive recommendation for blocking these malicious apps. Here’s the complete list of the apps banned:

  1. TikTok
  2. Shareit
  3. Kwai
  4. UC Browser
  5. Baidu map
  6. Shein
  7. Clash of Kings
  8. DU battery saver
  9. Helo
  10. Likee
  11. YouCam makeup
  12. Mi Community
  13. CM Browers
  14. Virus Cleaner
  15. APUS Browser
  16. ROMWE
  17. Club Factory
  18. Newsdog
  19. Beutry Plus
  20. WeChat
  21. UC News
  22. QQ Mail
  23. Weibo
  24. Xender
  25. QQ Music
  26. QQ Newsfeed
  27. Bigo Live
  28. SelfieCity
  29. Mail Master
  30. Parallel Space
  31. Mi Video Call – Xiaomi
  32. WeSync
  33. ES File Explorer
  34. Viva Video – QU Video Inc
  35. Meitu
  36. Vigo Video
  37. New Video Status
  38. DU Recorder
  39. Vault- Hide
  40. Cache Cleaner DU App studio
  41. DU Cleaner
  42. DU Browser
  43. Hago Play With New Friends
  44. Cam Scanner
  45. Clean Master – Cheetah Mobile
  46. Wonder Camera
  47. Photo Wonder
  48. QQ Player
  49. We Meet
  50. Sweet Selfie
  51. Baidu Translate
  52. Vmate
  53. QQ International
  54. QQ Security Center
  55. QQ Launcher
  56. U Video
  57. V fly Status Video
  58. Mobile Legends
  59. DU Privacy

TikTok official did not immediately respond against this action.

Source: TechCrunch

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