TikTok Star Ava Majury’s Cop Father Shot Dead Armed Stalker TikTok Death
The 15-year-old TikTok star whose father shot dead an armed stalker trying to break into Majury’s home in Naples, Florida and shot open their front door at 4.30am last July.
Ava Majury has been genuinely afraid for her safety after she awoke to the sound of gunfire when Eric Rohan Justin, 18, blew open the front door of her home in Naples with a shotgun before her father Rob, a retired cop, shot him dead.
Someone came to kill me. I was in fear for my family’s life and I had to do what I had to do to protect my family and I made sure of it. There was no second guessing, there was no time to rethink my actions. I reacted. I acted as best as I could under the duress and stress I was put under.
Rob (Ava’s Father) – Retired From New Jersey Police
She has since been pulled out of school and her family moved to a new house in the state, but not before another boy began following her around and watching her every move.
Several months prior to the shooting, 18-year-old Eric Rohan Justin began messaging Ava, also contacting her former classmates reportedly asking for pictures and personal details about her.
I contacted him directly when Ava received a message, told him she’s a minor, he needs to stop pursuing anything and he should just not contact her anymore at which point it seemed that he was very apologetic never knowing he had this diabolical plan to show up.
Mr Majury
Justin eventually obtained the TikTok star’s phone number and started texting and calling her asking her for selfies, offering to pay for them.
Her parents approved of this, after consideration, on the basis that images were already freely available on Instagram and Justin eventually handed over $300 for two photos.
However, he soon began requesting more explicit images, including booty shots and snaps of her feet, at which point Ms Majury blocked him from all of her social media accounts, prompting frantic apologies and a letter containing $500 and a note reading: Sorry this is all I have left I’m broke.
In July 2021, Justin travelled to the Majury’s home and what her parents had initially believed to be a keyboard warrior became a real threat to their safety.
When that sound went off we knew what it was. When we heard that loud boom. I actually thought my daughter was dead.
Kimberly Majury – Ava’s Mother
It was at this point that Mr Majury said he grabbed for his own gun and fired at Justin. An investigation is ongoing although Mr. Majury does not face any charges at this point and believes he will be protected by the state’s Stand Your ground law.
Ava’s lawyer, James Scarmozzino, filed a petition in Collier County Circuit Court seeking an injunction for protection against stalking and a hearing is set for this Monday, where Ava will testify.
She is genuinely afraid for her safety. It is a shame that it too often seems it takes a tragedy for everyone to ask: Why didn’t we act sooner? The family hopes to obtain video evidence connected with the new stalking case.
Lanny Davis – Family Attorney
Meantime, the teen and her parents have defended Majury selling selfies to Justin and revealed she will stay on TikTok where she makes $1,700-a-video despite safety risks.
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